01 October 2011

What day is it?!

Game day, of course!! Here's just a few more things I love about marching band:
-smiling to myself on the field when I'm not playing. Heavy breathing after finishing a tune . ..it's the sign that I played hard core. =)
-free food before the game. Although eating three pieces of pizza fairly quickly and practically downing three bottles of water in two hours didn't make my stomach too happy for a while.
-Sunshine. The first tune we leaned in Band Camp, and we FINALLY performed it on the field! Love it. Although, there was a hole next to me because Nathan had surgery on his wrist. I felt very exposed! Oi!
-Star Spangled Banner. I always always love playing our national anthem.
-sitting next to Doug. He knows so much about football, and he loves explaining it to the rest of us. I mean, I know the basics of football - enough that I can follow the game, but Doug knows the rest.
-Cougar Fanfare. This year we start every field show by playing this awesome fanfare based off of the Come, Come Ye Saints tune. The harmonies are just awesome, and fanfares are generally quite cool anyway.
-I like how I have an excuse to sit during the game. Man, standing up for the ENTIRE game would be so exhausting. I only stand for some visuals and for some really intense plays, but that's it.
-I like giving high-fives to the little kiddos in the sideline stands as we come onto and off of the field. We are their heroes. What can I say . .. we're a great inspiration.
-In our warm-up under the stands before halftime, some dressed up Star Wars characters from a nearby booth came over and nearly scared Bro. Mac. It was quite humorous. To me, anyway.
-Once or twice a season Cosmo has a cameo appearance in the band stands. He 'directed' us today, and I think we actually got some camera time on the jumbo-tron.
-One reason I'm glad I'm not in the USU band is so that we don't have to literally dance on the field . ..their show was a little . .. um .. weird. And not very challenging looking.
-pulling down partitions and rolling up carpets with my section after the game. (The carpet and partitions are used for our changing areas for getting in to and out of our uniforms.)
-Going to get ice cream with said section members. It's so fun to hang out with them outside of band, although you know what we talked about? Band and boys . . .that's us, I suppose! =)

Tonight what I loved most about being in the band was winning the game!! Man, the energy in the stadium was awesome, and we were right there cheering our team on. It's so much more enjoyable to keep playing when people are actually in to the game, ya know?
Awesome music, fun people, great football, free food . .. well, game day just doesn't get better than that!! =)

1 comment:

  1. That was quite a game -- wish I could have been in two places at once, but I was at my mission reunion! I loved your list of great things about playing in a band at a football game! I love that you have so much fun!
